Tuesday 24 September 2024

Literally trash that, it's no litter lit-ter-lie

We have that going since someone of you stole a book printing machine at about Kipplings time, right?
Let's keep going, it is hilariously funny! 

So, an all drugged mind in need of status and obeying lowers will even fight logic, to stumble over logic. 
Litter is trash, like pedophile is pederest and resistance the resilience and now I want to watch you settling a horse, or better Donkey. 


Lit them up, ter them apart, and let's write it letterly, because it means by the letter taken even so all of English say leetterly and you never use that anytime anyone does some by the word unneeded annoyingly or funnily, but as a synonymous of do, lie he did do that, I do do that, they do do that.