Monday 23 September 2024

What about that Bibbi:

Israel!  Eretz Israel! Our war is not against the Jews, it is not against our Abrahamic Brothers. This war is against the Murderers of Itzak Rabin, against those that cover as Jews, against Germans and Nazis, against The Kaiser and his Israelits that put hate and separation into your living rooms and car radios. It is a war against lies, stolen symbols, meanings and false flags deviding all of us believing in that One God that is called many names: Jahwe and Allah. It is a Holy War for our unity in faith to God. Jews Join Our War!
Help us to drive out the hate and separation so we can warship and prise God together again in all of the Holy Land!!!

How does that sound and do your coalition partners collecting IDF moval removal letters like that? 

#crusaders #terroristgangs 

Cant you make them talk about the Egg or Chicken thing again, aka who was first? 
Than Israel as a nation will die to turn Republic! 

Death before dishoner! #TIE