That is the GeStaPo training.
Imagine now an entire Devision of Tasks outside your village in Poland.
That's how they operate and because of that every Waffen-SS member, as that woman with a BKA badge, may since WW2 shot without a trial on the spot.
Obviously, The Germans have different understanding of both the law and situation.
Either way, is the BKA female Offices obviously intimidating the woman inappropriatly for a rather minor offence. It does make sense to assume that the German Polizei is responsible for the "zu reiten" of naive woman trapped into illegal work by false papers using psycholic tricks instead of blunt violence.
BKA will respond with diagnosing me as delusionial and psychotic and I am looking forward to the exchange of argument on also all other past issues and topics as soon we meet to understand who is an authority of his operational field.
Polizei and Schizophrenic or Nazi Hord and Terrorist Gangster. German or Traveller. BKA or Knight.
#3batch #ticktack
The Allies, as the King of Bavaria letting Hitler off the rope, gave the Germans because of the threat of a nuclear war an entire secure nation to continue coverd and hidden their ways that causes massacres historicaly in Jerusalem, Gdanzk leading logically into the Holocaust known mass murder of us Europeans.
It does make no sense to assume that services found by SS men, as BKA, would change instead of learning how to better cover their ways.
#MIB #provos
Nur ein toter Deutscher ist ein guter Deutscher.
Last time I was told that a phrase like that in my forum was illegal. Do you think you make it off my house next time again?
Mmmmh BKA?
Sue yourself in, I guess, Den Hague. I won't take a lawyer within your system. Suing a covered GeStaPo organisation surrounded by Right Wing Fraternity men in a system created to cover a hidden KZ system of exploitation, if I can kill you attacking you to take your weapons haveing worked on bringing justice to you for decades?
What makes you believe you are still setting the game and I'd that?
What is our plan, Germans?
What you think?
#provos #resistance
#alltimeforyounow #itoldyou