Monday 14 October 2024

Getting Combat Experience NK

North Korea is sending troops to the Ukraine battlefields
Most likely Kim Yong Un wants to have them lick blood. An expression used for mistreated dogs originally. 
I am sure the North Korean Military is no mistreated dog, like the Roman Legions were, but considering the longstanding existance of something that God dam looks like a Tyranny is having a deeply routed support within the people thereby recruiting also highly motivated humans next to the usual obeying opportunists.
I recall numbers of about one Million Soldiers from newspapers. 
China, being hardly an as strict and tight system, has all around the Shaolin Monestry several hundreds of Martial Arts Schools with about 10.000 students, if I remember reports correctly. They form the core of Chinese Special Forces and high ranking military and policing Officers. Students starting as early as six, but most after puberty, training in day schools martial arts next to regular schooling in China is basically creating Red Knights.
There is no way North Korea dropped that ancient education form as the Nazi reformed West did after Katyn looting the European Aristocracy by even taking their identities.
If they proof successful in Ukraine their numbers might jeopardise this little annoying bloggs intend to suggest a large scale Underground war instead of an invasion and stretches WW3 known as the Cold War out way further than good for anyone. 
We have to overcome The Total War Nuclear. 
One more bomb and some need extreme violence publically unignorable... to end the rule of stupidity tyrannising us since Kaiser Willhelm. 
You ugly Cunts Germans! 
All on you. No one is so stubborn in its arrogant stupidity as yours from your "Teutonic Knight Schools".
Everybody sain needs to go harder against mighty and decision makers making sure that they under that after another bomb someone will be dropping their names and get them published so we can wipe them and their loved once out like Drug Kartells shut down competition. 
Enough is Enough. 
#TIE Here we fight!

The Kingdom of Hell