At this point they still have a cash flow, an income from work or their welfare state. Their savings took a hit and their house lost value, but it was not supposed to be sold anyway ever. A new car is off topic and so is the neighbours so that is fine.
Actually, they only wonder when this will end.
Having been like the train driver of the train to Ausschwitz they consider themself innocent by having had the lowest rank, yet they never tried to derail the train. Someone might have got hurt and the way to a deathcamp.
Therefore, following every order and repeating every bullshit of the allowed and given spectrum was all they could do in this now fair and free Republic...
I can't predict how they will react haveing understood the difference between a crisis and this being the system collapse. The Holocaust system fails. Germans are no superior workers and engineers what so ever and I am not mentally ill at all.
This violance will come for The German Average Joe and also me. His Supermarket won't be save anymore soon and quite likely missing refills with no national authority stepping in to give order.
He might one day get into his car and leave it abandoned at an empty fuel station not having been warned about, because nobody told the radio DJ. Then, he'll go for a walk to get some groceries and face an armed robber in an actually already empty shop with no Police picking the phone.
I can disarm even special forces of Police. I am a terrorist gangster and won't even need to crack a districting joke to obtain by privilege restricted weapons.
He will pray, being prey.
During the Dark Mid Ages that time of collective violance lasted for several decades, but unequaly over Europe. Some areas where not even hit by a death wave of disease or plundering violence. Other areas lost all humans to desease, alcoholism and violence.
The Rhein-Ruhr area will be in a few years completely law less. Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg as well. Munich and Leipzig might face home invasions from Thieve or Nazi hords as soon as Police is down, which is a matter of time considering the workload and lost illusion of capability that they call respect.
I told you, this will be a civil war and it appears I might be right.
You won't be able to hide from me. I have made to many friends while you ripped me naked, Secret Services, passing off everyone you ever crossed.
#provos #ticktack