Thursday 17 October 2024

Imagine that Germany does

not face anymore a strictly planned administrative economy as China was until the 80ies, but a way more reformed China than today.
Already, Chinese Communism proved itself as successful as Cuban Communism and way superior than Stalinism and Sowjet Communism.
Coltouraly Maoist Communism is natural to Chinese society in times of sever crisis needing individual sacrifice for societies survival. China faced hardcore attempts of foreign suppressive rule.
Today, China is a mix of Hong Kong financed wealth and Communist fundamental security, but still no home to fine Arts.
Humans desperatly need basic security, wealth and art. All, Most and Some, but
everyone prefers to buy a loaf of bread in a nice designed shop instead of receiving the even very same loaf by an act of administration.
To create more nice shops for everyone the society has to create and support all those few that create beauty and deal with them instead to suppress them into a scheme.

Chinese Spray Cans, Spray Cans for China!

Red is no Gray, Xi. Innit? But so are your Real Estates. 
Bread to the people.
Prosperity to the people.
Colour to the people.
To be humain!