Monday 14 October 2024

My German is not that good, but

this guy actually speaks English.
So I understood the Watch Trader perspective. 
The key phrase is that watches are collectable and he never said an investment. Then he continues to point out why he as a trader invested into an 80ies watch straight off a Miami Vice arrest busting a few kilos Kokain right along that portable Fort Knox.
Obviously traders invest to sell to a collector as a business model, and that definition makes sense. 
There are two problematic points here which are part of the greater problem of what I call The Dark Modernity this blogg is beside German bashing and a stand off with Secret Services also about. 
These items are industrial products and their price tag. 
To explain why that is an issue you have to understand what luxurious was before the machine age and possibly want to do an online tour through Rome and it's Michelangelo statues or Athens ruins beside the Touch Mahal (or how does that spell), plus check out the Museum of Modern Art in New York on Industrial Design. 
As much as Michelangelo never ruined anyone even so being payed very well the Castle of Versaillle is where Nobleman or Clerics sponsoring great Masters of a craft went wrong. In the end of the day those that build and also financed Versaillle were litterly behaded by those other rich that sponsored Hospitals and Poormen Kitchens known as the Citizens.
The Clerus and Aristocracy basically just lost it and started cutting down Citizens rights trying to avoid bankruptcy.
Modern Industrial Design is in its peak and coltoural importance not short of Michelangelo and therefore finds a place in a Louvre like place by all means justified. 
But a Braun Electric Shavingmachine or Water Cooker is in no way the price of any luxurious Watch. 
Braun is a great example of a company that created a high amount of Industrial Design Art items having been influenced by the Bauhaus School of Architecture and Design that layed almost single handedly the base for contemporary Industrial Design by attracting in the time of Airplane travel and telephone communication an international set of Masters that would never have met in the times of Michelangelo. 
Obviously, only a view items relative to all industrial produced items are worth to be saved and displayed in a museum, but not even Ferrari or Coco Channel reached prices that exorbitant over the actual material and production value. 
The only other time rich men overspend that hard was shortly before the French Revolution. 
Today 80% of humans live on 10 Dollars a day and a plastic watch is sold for 100.000 those days. 
Get it?
You don't:
How do you make the other 80% have enough to get your shops bussier. Murdering the 20 or 80 ain no option, but some try hard. 

You shall have no Slave, Mammon. 
We have 10, 1 can't be that hard for you people. 
#jedi #TzuPack