Wednesday 9 October 2024

The actual problem is

that this form of order and law will get worse in this failing nation and only against the weakest.
The FRG is in no way an undoubtfully legally founded entity of the United Nations, but together with the GDR a product of Cold War, by giving those that caused both World Wars a nation even way beyond their original territory, because of a new World War threat. 
Fashism and Empires were defeated, now Systems threatened each other leaving no time to sorrowly investigate wrong doings and just shooting them all was no option, because of a lack of manpower.
Both systems invested heavily into industrial mass production and needed humans to work those machines and soldiers to defend them.
Germans, as long they did not publicly kept their fashism alive, were needed.
This created just ever more lies. Hitler''s troops never fired back, but those infamous words of Hitler were all present in German TV. Today the Marshall Plan investment importance is as forgotten as Pershing Missile Silos and everybody is sure Danzig was a German town instead victim to a massacre of the German Teutonic Order. Telling them Franconia spoke French and Prussia Polish will lead straight into mental hospital, especially if both Psychiatrist and Polizei exactly know how their Father or Grandfather got hold of a clean name way off Red Cross War Criminal lists.
Living on lies worked just to well for those having lost two World Wars living on the thirds battleground without any chance to get away, but all possible distraction to ignore their dedicated destiny in WW3 turning hot.
This system of living lies is failing along with Hegemony. One System build to achieve world dominance failed already and the remaining is right now giving way to an oligopoly being incapable of reforming towards more individual freedom, but turning ever more against European core values.
In Germany that won't happen without a fight. Medication and Drug use is higher than everywhere else. Society is split into oppening parts way worse than everywhere else and the all abusive remainings of GeStaPo are tumbling to death with a Police force losing its authority and helpless politicians incapable of reforming out of the Ocean of Lies that made them all possible.
Germans, you are not a superior people above others. Your products are not the best of all. Your work is not better. Your language is not less primitive than others. You are not more civilised than other people. You are not more innovative and efficient than others on this planet. 
But fucking hell nobody minds as much as you being reminded. 