Friday 4 October 2024

Wanna see the big picture

instead of starring at your region?

Most clouds come from the Atlantic over to Europe and in 2021 early they come in in a bow stretched to the north, while in late of that year from further south. 
In the beginning of the other year the same constant cloud movement comes from a bow stretched way further north.
This is most likely, because the Sahara Weather Zone impact onto Europe's weather increases. 
There is a chance that our European Continental Weather zone gets in attributes closer to The Amazonian Jungle Weather zone being less like the North America Weather zone.
What we already know. Warmer and more rain...what I can't tell is what happens at the hit points of the impact zones and in a possible new center, because I am a smart ass motherfucker and no Metereologist.
#gfyAll #cyberpunkcoltoure