Wednesday 2 October 2024

What are you doing?

Splitting Ground and Building is of Feudalism and not Republican.
How do you want to move the building in case you mind your Landlord?
I wonder at which point that happend and honestly would consider a "ground book" falsification, if it said that this was the original situation when the building was erected. 
You also have to understand that no sain Irish would call a parcells registry a Ground Book, which is a word by word translation from German.
Historically, towns or any land to be developed was split into parcells and those than claimed from there on called as a or my or his/her Claim.
The word parcell is also used for entities of goods, like a ship load could be of several parcells.
In Feudalism, which ended by The War of Independence, a Lord held right on all soil, plants and living creatur to charge a tax or taxe based on that privilege until exchanged by a Nobleman of the Aristocracy living for and not from the people with lesser education, training and skills.
If it is common practice to have ground and building split than some parts of the USA might have way bigger problems than a corrupt Police Chief. 
We lost our Law and Order. The one erected to protect freedom of humen.