Friday, 1 November 2024

A dropped mobile phone,

so it was no Islamists who would have dropped an ID, because of Mr Atta. 
They say 533g of explosives from Cash Machine Crackers. 
I must have mistaken the scales on that explosion.
How they lost a mobile on the track and how it's two fugitives now, will remain a secret. 
That they lost a mobile or dropped their ID is normal on terrorist operation levels. We have no nation and won't get POW rights and pretty much all others, except Provos, of that trade are far from sober. 
Islamists are on a Heroin heavy cocktail. Syrian Secret Service produced and was busted some time ago smuggling tonns of Amphetamine pills to Italy and IS and ISIS also score. 
A liver way worse than Bond's I assume. 
These guys all want to be Heros for their own. Only that Cop in Die Hard refuses the drink before and inbetween the shoot out everybody except him came for. He is a Provos; Chosen by God aka having a bad unlucky day.
I never had for that long no drink or smoke, but BKA is a corrupt bitch of certain kind and having build a Virtual KZ around a super talented musician is bad news for a nation with a Jew murdering past. 
Figuring out who I really am kicked of by sending two officers straight home after dropping an Amok threat on their website if they ain coming clean internally, to continue an Autist level operation of stupidity ignoring the real ballance of power and force... is the fucking Germans having a hurt drugged ego which will get them killed. 
If I am right about our lifestyle differences also deriving from basic primate heritage brain structures than some of us Homo  Sapiens managed to turn alien and hostile to the ecosystem, which is now up for them. If I also understand Moses and Einstein correctly than we might have a 5th dimension in which we are all connected. 
If I am super smart right again and Cancer is the immune reaction and thereby cure to a lifestyle on disease level, than some Homo Sapiens are being wiped out as we speak. 
Being the smartest known to CIA brain does not help extending my life expectations based on widely available literature that clearly indicates talking won't help when the Slave Masters come for you. 
Those Homo Sapiens in charge in majority being on medication, drugs and no character, but quite a constant ego trip are those to be wiped out with servants lacking both all sense of humor or ability to take an argument other than violence.
Than, I will have some fights coming. Right, BKA?  You mind me living... and you know where I am living and figured out lately why stealing my intelectual property was so easy. 
You were the useful idiots, but for all big guys in that game. 
It will be my pleasure for also the high pitch noise I hear as I type and that is so much no Tinnitus illness to be the one of the big guys killing you.
#ticktack #provos 