Tuesday, 19 November 2024

And what really happened

by Pornhub?
So, Pornhub is a simple website, technically speaking. Watch the movie about the Hustler Magazine who almost got murdered by Prespetyrian like extremists to understand where the money comes from and consider that Pornhub content is free to watch for the user.
Porn started in shady and dirty venues called Jerk Cabins as a pay per view cinema style business.
Than VHS came and the industry exploded in turn over. From Jerk Cabins to Coach Jerkin.
But, it was a mission fail and the Jerks won hard against the No Fabs.
We just have to, biologicaly naturally here and than...and keep going. Now even without a VHS collection for potential other sex partners into foreplay kick off conversations, but a browser history, possibly.