Saturday, 2 November 2024

Do you know these Smart Home

colour remote app adjustable lights?
I found their sole useful purpose or in which bedroom do you wanna score swapping to the blue or red light?? 
A posing room!  
If I could I would sell them upgrades with options like:
Las Vegas Show (20% white LED, 30% soft NEON, 45% beamer spot, 5% blue back reflection) 
Barcelona (100% NEON bright) 
Miami (20% white LED, 30% soft NEON, 40% beamer spot, 5% blue back and 5% red side reflection indirect)
#freaks #trollnation
PS: And use my Ninja skills to install a hidden cam to get a pick of their face the moment they hit Iluminate on the app to understand their vision of Paradise)