Friday, 1 November 2024

Drug Money stuck in Spain?

Currently great investment opportunities open up. Real Estate prices are about to fall in an overvalued and actually poor area with also great export and import infrastructure for legal goods.
The key to invest large piles of drug cash is faking bills and recipes of small trade cash payed itimes needed and usual in interesting industries such as the small farm agricultural industry.
Sweet water availability is only a problem on a large massproduction level, but manageable for small farms. 
Especially, if the low tech desaltification units are home made and per truck filled salt water ponts are also used for fish, shrimps or clam breeding. 
The African Green Belt project also must have created Dry Area Agricultural Technology covering books creating a good base for Small Farming Coaches. 
An increased amount of small and cheap credit financed small farms also in the new exciting field of indoor farming or green house high price exotic fruits will soon create demand for self-serving farm shops offering tools, seeds and machines for the trade.
Don't miss out a great opportunity to convert into sweet legal and local support backed money. Now!