Wednesday, 20 November 2024

I am just all crazy?

Dude, here, legal does not matter. The YouTube sales and consultant stars here in Germany do not say in one Video that cold calling and even unasked emails are illegal.
Lead Generation is a problem and I have not heard one strategy that is perfectly legal, strictly speaking.
Ads are fine, legally, but converting a click onto an online add into a legal lead to give a call is hard, by filling out a click form, especially if having a toxicomaniac background of Amphetamine, Cocaine and Medication use.
They are bullshitting themselves and everyone else.
That is Germans, like Mercedes, BMW and Audi being cheaper as a Maserati and Jaguar for the exact amount of lower energy prices for the companies instead of higher build quality.
And that will be a shock for you, BKA Staatsschuts. If you come as just announced by PsyOps using the hijacked mp4 stream to use "unmittelbarer zwang" we kick off another phase and I will kill you. All of you and if it will take years as an active terrorist.
Get a fucking Grip. I am a human having rights you will respect, as I will happily teach you by brutal force.
#ticktack #3batch