IDs are unconstitutional and infringe freedom which is really hard to explain in times in which music has a skin colour, a dictionary matters only when it suits and cannot have rouge spelling mistakes and success is measured in expensive items rather than achieving your goals.
Individual rights are in the American Mind Set extremely important. A Presidential candidate that states banning certain arms from being sold is not limiting a fundamental right the entire State is build upon with an opponent that wants to expelle based on the very same English compression skills even the most naturalised humans is exactly the problem of the United States of America.
Go out of your Rich Ghetto in which MTV, BBC World and CNN tell you the all same story and hit a library reading what build our civilisation initially. The Greek Classics, Mid-Eval Fairytales, Renaissance Plays and those most abused Three Holy Books otherwise you might get shot in those areas we still live our way, by doing what we want defending that against proclaimed privileges ordering us into duties for only their sake.