He also cannot completely cut down direct and indirect subsideries towards Israel, because they are structured to complex and would also hit the victims of the Holocaust and not only the Kaiser's profiteurs and collaborateurs.
He can as a most difficult option make entering the USA for known human rights offenders more difficult using FBI, Homeland Security or being closiest the Secret Service based on repeated violant offenders within the Westbank by Israeli Law and simultainiously make Visas for all other Israeli's easier available, like setting tourist visas off a time limit temporarily.
He can use Space Force to surveille the conflict in more detail and hand information on war crimes and human rights violations over to UN giving both parties a chance to a later point negotiate more than peace without The Haters among themselves on the table, but on the run.
All the rest he will have to watch.
This time, they won't stop until Israel is save for Jews like Yitzak Rabin and his murderers have to live in constant fear of being hunt down and killed as the Unbeliever they are, the Philister, the Roman, the Egyptian Pharaos in just new clothes.
#ticktack #ienjoyyourhatescreamsneighbour