Saturday, 2 November 2024

OK, so, CIA Post One

is Frankfurt. All of it. The entire facility. From there they managed all SS, GeStaPo and NSDAP members. All recruitment files of Germans into CIA service are there as also hard copies. That's where they brought the Ausschwitz research papers of the SS "Scientists" and all human projects. The Torture files. 
The French Foreign Legion took on all Southern, Royal Bavarian, Austrian and Hungarian forces that were stuck in Europe, refused to follow the still published Nazi history and deserted in Algeria and Korea later. CIA tool all German in history books Nazi called forces. 
The actual CIA EMEA (Europe, Mode East, Africa, a term also used in IBM affiliated Corporations) HQ is covered as the Stuttgart Africa Command. 
The CIA is actually a national financed para-military gang using covered and criminal operations in love with mercenaries and not any kind of Police, Secret Service or Military Force. 
Germany is their main recruiting spot. They have little moral obligations, do a lot for money and first of all are disposable. 
Nobody likes them...
#armystrong #provos #wegetallofyoueventually 

PS: June's position is actual supposed to be part of the NSA. The National Security Agency is responsible for all U.S Administrative IT and also in general for the stability of the U.S. Internet grid which includes all telecomunication. 
Frankfurt has no Embassy status to keep it off Secret Service (another U.S. Agency) responsibility and thereby also use own Infantry Units (75th Ranger and Delta Force, Seal Team 6) for military garden protection recruited to Embassy facility protection service into a rotational system from the U.S. military supporting the Secret Service, not joining the Secret Service thereby keeping the U.S. Military Intelligence Brigades off compound as far as possible.
CIA therefore officially, findable somewhere in U.S. Treasury and Senate paperwork accessible to public, builds electronic warfare weapons and social engineering weapons. Like a cat picture attachment with a Virus that said I Love You for a not that lonesome secretary, maybe possibly. 
They are no genius hackers, they run the communication hubs outside the USA off NSA jurisdiction. Frankfurt is Europe's biggest and central telecommunications hub. The pings of trace route are all bad because of them having manipulated the DNS and routing servers instead of decentralising they server infrastructure as suggested. 
You think I send no copy to others?? Really. You stupid Fucks giving credit to another white confed boy keeping his race clean down to dating. Who could that possibly be, you Hippie Murderes?
It's is 12 hubs in The West, not USA, and all telecom is down. 

Pine Gaps, I am afraid to tell you, is not the most important electronic spy place. It is, take a deep breath, their Alien research project. I am serious... the biggest bullshit operation running on electricity since the light bulb. That is practically the kick of for the electric grid we know today. Werner Maximus von Braun meets Scientology. Seriously... Well kind off. They use the name Echolon to cover a Navy Surveillance Network in the Atlantic with the same name against Soviet Submarines, that might be responsible for Wales fleeing to a beach away from a really loud ultrasound ping used to find big diving objects called Sonar they play with. 
The CIA was founded from Navy Communication personal initially, but left Military Jurisdiction later to be its own Agency.
The official punishment for crimes against humanity for a soldier is a Firing Squat in obvious cases on the spot. Don't worry CIA. Enjoy your life. 
#provos #terroristgangs #undergroundwars