Wednesday, 20 November 2024

The Ignorant Idiots

Don't fear WW3? Going forward with the German defenition and count of World Wars, WW3 will happen.
The Germans ignore today that Covid is still around and are all out on long term impacts onto humans, as much as they simply refuse that their lands were ground for a cold world war, which is why the Cold War was called Cold War over Cold Peace to begin with.
The actual problem is to end WW3 by taking off the table the nuclear option and thereby largest weapons of massdestruction to enter WW4 in which small arms conflicts are the only means of war reducing even Tanks down to armoured cars and Artillery to large Calibre handweapons with some RPGs and large IEDs inbetween.
All that for no other reason as planet Earth's physical structural integrity being incapable of handling a nuclear war triggered by a large scale military confrontation of nations.
Only The Germans give me and everyone else bullshit, but from all sides.
Dude, that is no discussion. I am fucking telling ya!
If it needs a rampage, bloody chaos or any other means of violence to have you assimilate into humanity again after two World Wars and a Cold War by also a lot of dead BKA or Polizei too ignorant for their own good, then be my guest or wait a bit until I come for you.
I will gladly accept the opportunity of showcasing the might of terrorist gang infantry violence to take down an enemy by having an example with German Law Enforcement on my own to proof their incredible arrogance.

PS: Since the end of Cold War the nuclear weapons of Russia are programmed against main European targets?
No, based on the Nuclear Contracts they are supposed to be not pre-programmed, anymore. The U.S. Intercontinental Missile Arsenal was lately in the news having still floppy drive saved target coordinates and the Russians also agreed to give per last minute radio communication coordinates to their missile trucks having way less bunker stored missiles than the U.S.A. and instead large wheel tank trucks with which they lately practiced in south Russia.
I hope they all found that my attempts to destroy all nuclear capability including all access to survival bunkers using social engeneering technics and loop holes in the iron carton like the scientific and diplomatic electronic communication means in search of allies, aka humans among you aliens, were widescale successful.
Gunfights anyone calling me Mentally Ill in need of a therapy? ...Still same address.
#houseiblin #rosecrusaders

100? Simone hang that author in his house, please. All others search this blogg.