A normal solider is in a real military force, that does not device from Waffen-SS, the cooks, the mechanics, the operators on an Air-Carrier, basically everyone that makes sure the fronting soldiers are capable of way more than jumping defencless villages, but to take on enemies outnumbereing them by even a thousand times.
In real legitimate forces, that the Germans never could be bothered to build, it starts with sixteen to twenty one years of age with the lessons you can witness by GBRS, to be followed by T-Rex, before being in full field layout as Garand Thumb.
At some point shooting is mastered and becoming a Green Berret needs a onto of a Navy Seal level of physical capability also extended theory lessions in small unit warfare tactics and strategies.
To become the very best of the elite you will find yourself in indirect training playing Basketball with your Platoon and American Football with your Brigade to master no look passes also in combat by feeling your brother in arms instead of just seeing and hearing him.
#armystrong #thefewtheproud