Surging violence is one point, economic decline another that can by a crash cause the explosion of the other instead of following natural growth rules of biological organisms.
Viruses impact, drug use lowering imunsystem resistance and problems of financial and staffing nature in the balancing health system are also a factor.
Foreign impacts, such as the War in Ukraine, missing export orders, syndicates attacking or exchange rates are ontop directly and indirectly influencing all prior listed factors.
I might one day wake up and find out that there is no Government anymore, the Nazi neighbours gone, that high pitch peep sound turned off, the sirene noise from somewhere close gone with the autistic as occasional screaming not heard anymore, above the gymnastics having ended and even the Polzei station empty and it's not a nightmare at all. I'll be just a bit sad it wasn't me...
#cyberpunkcoltoure #TIE
...but I'll find them. They can run, but they can't hide.