Saturday, 2 November 2024


The Russians playing on time. The West remains in its German arrogance being personally offended to be killed by 250 Dollar Drones instead of 2.500.000 Dollar Cruise Missiles. Well, they know and will look for even cheaper deadly wide.

African used Toyota Pick-Up trucks with French WW2 Anti-Aircraft guns or both as replicas?

This means that the planning departments of the Russian Administration that were changed into estimation departments eagerly awaiting the real market numbers reality check every quarter, year and fifth year told Putin that they will win economically by a certain likelyhood, if the war expenses stay constant.

The more routine the Russian Military High Command gets, the more they can try more creative ways in warfare.

#undergroundwars #itoldyou #provos
The Kingdom of Hell

Maybe as a Kit Car using Toyota donar parts and instead of fibreglass, aluminium or carbonfibre chassy hulls over the pipe frame to serve also the civilian market for e.g. Asian-Russian Migrant worker home countries? "It can carry a big gun, it can carry everything!"
What could be the price in Sudan Port?
#provos #terroristgangs

Obviously, I need a Spider Robot Guttling Gun loaded and a Baya Truck suspension set up. Nobless oblige, always!

In a potential close future 
DIMITRI? Doo uuuu remembah zeh Gohlv Kahs uuu kept getting stuk with? Moscow sent an up greyd.
I make it too frontline now?
Whad do uuu dooo hea, Dimitri?
Five kids?