Tuesday, 19 November 2024

You have to seperate

Apples from Pies. There was no Colonisation of Ireland in 1648, if the contemporary definition of colonisation is used.
The 17th century was the beginning of the Rennessaince after Feudalism was defeated by both Plague and Military Orders. Murdering hords like the one of Florian Geyer and along the Teutonic Order were wiped out of existence.
Europe started to florish and trade took off again, libraries got bigger, information was exchanged and the coltoural revolution in the fine arts was accompanied by an agricultural revolution.
The next step of the 3 field growing system was using long anx short rooted plants in exchange and understanding fertilzing fields resulting in tremendously higher output per acre. With arrival of the Potato hunger was not only defeated, but villages turned into towns and towns into cities.
English means in Gallic decided in court and after the last feudal black-red-gold banner hords were brought to justice the fruitful land East of the Welsh Mountains and South of the Scottish Wetlands united to also export new crop coltivation to Ireland that was free, a refuge, but cut off from most trade by the feudalist hords hurrassing England and cutting down the land based main trade routes to Francia, Espania and the Moslems.
They came back with guns and lies...
They'll die by their guns and lies.
#IRA Sa Pro Vos

PS: You all might want to stick to the Good Friday wording for the sake of your well-being in the Irish part of the Resistance of which looping "colonisation" is no part at fucking all, Reals.
The Real IRA and all their supporters is wanted for Treason since the Omagh Bomb sentenced to death without a trial, by the Provos Independent Cell Terrorist Gang and I assume Provitional IRA and Continuity IRA, too.
Enjoy your vacation!