Normative Kraft des Faktischen.
I am sure you laugh when Americans say Walks like a Duck, talks like a Duck, is a Duck.
Racism as you will agree is punishing a group of humans because of a unifying unchangable attribute such as skin colour or ethnicity.
That's what Zionism does putting a Land without a people for a people without a land over a save harbour for Jews to live a self-ruled life in freedom.e
Lebensraum or Liberty?
The latter I say, the prior those that violate even Israels laws trying to overthrow it into a tyranny, you say everybody hates you and the Jew's. Actually, they hate the asshole part in you, the arrogance and self-righteous ignorance of others feelings, the German in you, the part that seeks Lebensraum never minding others freedom.
Thank you that you don't ask to Gas Arabs and that this German part in you won't ever reach that ugly child of a Reich. That Nation.
The Nation of Israel, the hostage baby of Das Deutsche Reich, until today.