Friday, 27 December 2024

Adoption Independent Cells Structures

of the IRA Provos Terrorist Gang onto Special Forces Military Warfare.
Independent Cells means that one Cell of the system is in no direct contact with other Cells communicating only within the Cell directly.
As a matter of fact does that already apply to modern warfare battlegrounds on which not all entities are in direct radio communication, but contact Command using the military hierarchy.
In future conflicts such as Urban Sprawl or Mega City combat being surrounded by civilians and having an enemy without any moral obligations to spare bystanders, independent Cells will stay covered longer and hide the extend of the overall operation.
Indirect communication would mean to leave signs and symbols like Graffiti or a car parked at a certain spot to inform other Cells based on prior agreed upon means.
It also means that the individual Cells understand the objectives and tasks overall and of other Cells more closely than within a Terrorist Gang Organisation founded by Soldiers to combat the domestic enemy, identified as German GeStaPo elements denying their World War surrender, possible, increaseing survival chances under absolut radio silence in combat for regular, but covered soldiers.
#MIB #srgvice