There is a chance that they are not on an upfront tyrannical mission, are protecting peace from their perspective and accept a neutral force seeking a peaceful future, especially if that force is no enemy coming by neutral means.
That neutral means and base for peace is good trade of which the dangerous part is to have trade with all partie establishing connetions to all equally on a Ground Zero Level and no Trade Ministry Diplomacy.
Therefore arms, explosives and all material of war or policing is no option.
Instead, each man will have a desire for Coffee, a Burger, a Crepe as Western Fast Food Technology can provide even out of an armoured vehicle.
Toys for their kids from factories, household machines and materials and music instruments are as much desired by all fractions awaiting a future peaceful living in which the fractions of the Sprawl will again trade and exchange with each other.
Many of these men will be able to establish connections to non fighting civilians now in economic crisis willing to sell or swap products that by gaining wealth will become more influential in the groups social structures supporting peace and comprise by diplomatic efforts over military means.
Every soldier on such mission will automatically attract warriors in the area for the sake of conflict and not freedom being constantly moving into Ambush positions.
There is no unit capable of that as we speak as Gaza Aid attacks proof.
#provos #ToprovideandmaintainaNavy #TradeForce