With The Germans taking back power from us Natives after being off since The Plague the spendings changed, quite a bit, as they like to put it.
An Aristocrat was personaly responsible for investing the profits made, thereby since ever the profits went into his personal account or correctly were transferd to and on behalf of his personal account as he was personally accountable.
In times of prosperity Shakespeare got a Theatre build and Churches with Organs were build as much as the best craftsmen hired to create art. In times of foresable attack, by usually The Germans aka Teutonic Order, Fortresses were build and Soldiers trained to form a military. In times of rich harvest silos were build and in times of bad harvests those were emptied.
So, during times of economic boom where was the profits invested into? Were silos build for tinned food, flower storages created and clothing bought to give in crisis to the poorest? Were energy materials stored for cold winters for the poorest or money saved to buy them energy? Were investments done into public transport to be able to lower prices when needed? Was telecommunication extended into lower and mid income regions? Were tools bought and fonds created to support small and tiny companies and entrepreneurs to boost economy in times of economic struggle?
Or was it Rolex collections???
The UK is a Representative Monarchy and the Royal Treasury is obliged to report in also detail to both Houses of Parliaments if demanded to report on all affairs of those representing with a title acknowledged by the people.
Nobless oblige, pas privelige.