Like Scammers.
Hello. I am Toni. I know you can get me Hashish.
Seriously? Toni34555...
Yes. How much can you get.
Dude. Where are you.
Ok. Legal amount I'm Amsterdam is five grams per person. I can recommend a Hostel. Bobs Inn is cool. Enjoy.
...two minutes later...
I know from Harald that you organise some hashish.
Harald? Was he drunk again shwoig off? My Brother showed around a pic with a number below I had made for my passport. Half town still believes I got busted for dealing. Tell him to fuck off it's not funny. Besides, Bavarian Police is Nazi paranoid about Cannabis. They all could be Partisans. Don't do that shit here. It's not worth it. Bye Bye.
...end of conversation...