The difference between Ghetto Basketball and NBA aka
This is Streetball
Is the way to play. NBA Basketball is way closer to Volleyball or Handball and is based on a clear positioning game, but Streetball has no marketing. After a few years playing with GIs all from bad neighbourhoods and most having signed over time I still can't tell a Point Guard from a Forward what_ever.
Instead everyone got a special flavor, style or talent. The guy jumping highest goes Centre, but playing full court also has to run most if he is both defence and offence centre which I happen to know does not exist in NBA classifications. The shooter will seak his best spot empty of a block and get a pass as soon he established that position safely. The most agile will fight his way around defence into dunking or pointing and who can fly is given space to do so.
You never block alone as everyone will get around you and fouls ain happening, because blood comes by shot wounds and not basketball buddies and you only play with buddies.
Everyones run takes as long as the run gotta take and that can be some time scoring baskets.
You don't sweat, you didn't play.
#streetsports #provos #IRAmovement