Friday, 6 December 2024

"T are people that

want to kill humans just because of the uniform they have."
I am one of them, German. And that's why:
You exactly knew what colours you choose and that you will enter a big mouthing group trained, formed and build by histories worst war criminals that knowingly and actively abused and cheated a chance they did not deserve to cover up as ligitemate soldiers covering continueingly to be the worst scumbags of mankind by pretending to be those not to be challenged.
We will come for you and make you pay for the suffering your people caused by building The Kingdom of Hell on the Nuclear War battleground you live on and that was our home before you murdered your way into power forcing your law and order above us and all we had ever created.
Train and show your colours German Soldier you'll be granted no trial and no mercy, but death.
Potentially slow and painful for the KZs your military has build and whoms colour you wear in pride until today lieing with a smile about what you are and represent.
#ureinwohner Vs #thenazis
#provos #terroristgangs #ticktack #3batch #finalbatchforthegermansolution