In the Ghettos, and I hope Big Red One still cultivates that style of game, single action moves dominate the game even so everyone well understands passing.
The short Referee called this an Offence f
Foul even so the Defence player moved along with the Offence player letting him complete his move.
An Offence Foul is moving against a standing player to run him over.
The Referee interrupts by this call the game flow knowing that every Ghetto Kid no matter tanning level will keep up the set pace and momentum to score even.
That makes great Basketball, letting the other team play, score and succeed setting a move against next turn.
Men like that Referee shot at our fathers in the 60ies and 70ies in New York's Hell's Kitchen Bboying having an NYPD uniform.
That is Confederate Money. That is the domestic enemy. That is the real existing race war. I kid' you not...
#provos #IRAmovement
PS: 00:51 like you score from there, crack head. Why would you give a thug like that a multi million job? There is god Dam no way that he ever before hit a jump shot moving sideways from 11 to penalty shot spot in close contact. That is also not provoking a foul. That is a Cocaine level ego spot on looking for trouble being to scared of football contact. Show me again in any other game he made ever a point having had less than half an arm distance to another player. Bets??