Pirates love being alive, just like that fella...
Then you have to understand that everyone started small.
The first step after having made the decision to become a Hero in the coming Dystopian World is to learn to keep your mouth shut and think about something else instantly.
Learning you abilities and limits is a great moment. Lying is usually bad and silence golden in these affairs of secrecy and conspiracy.
While realisticly learning about onself by creating a Table Top Character Sheet of onself wish and likelihood will separate, yet the vision will remain.
In that journey, if God wants to, he'll both tempt and provide opportunity to keep afterwards keep your mouth shut and think of something else.
....in a secure moment with your Crew...
....in a secure moment with your Crew...
I did my FIRST RUN!
Without us.
What did
You do.
So, you know that asshole around who is impolite to all the staff in the Golf Resort.
...nodding heads...
He left his Wallet.
So....taking a seat heads together....I walked over to the spot, kneeled down and tied my shoe. Then I grapped the Wallet from the table while standing up and walked off.
Nobody saw you?
No one looked at me.
The Wallet.
Show it.
It is all done. He had 600 Euros, I noted down the Credit Care number and ID Card Number for further reference encoded, drove down to the Western Union place, dumped all on the way after cleaning possible finger prints off and filled out a Misereor Donation form over 600 Euros.
It's happennnnnnnninnnnnng!...jumping up and down on the chair....
We must celebrate.
What cover up occasion is coming up?
Let's compare Calenders.
#provos #pinkcells