So, Facebook started as a website with the genius name of a Harvard Yearbook using the capability of Hypertext as used in the World Wide Web part of the Internet.
You can click stuff?
The core idea was to turn a Yearbook into a website that is not a point in time, but keeps record in all consequence, and that's ment positive. The guy from years back marries and you may have a smile looking at some pictures even so he was just a great drinking buddy for one evening on a vacation trip and dropping a short comment will have the two also have a little smile while looking at that mobile pic of that night won't go further as: Who was that?
Today Facebook is an affair for Secret Services trying to influence the Presidential debate.
Facebook could have avoided that by doing what other Industries do by being core busines focused.
The Newsfeed, discussion forums, chat rooms does not need to be all behind one door and yet could be connected.
His advisors and financers are all of Holocaust profiteur age and I am sure still think like tanks and trains instead of Relative Chaos Theories to build Complex Proprietary Peer Systems.
That's those that hire managers that will tell you in the interview about their decentralised center and make you chicken out in a way they tell their as 1920 as them Cocaine buddies about you spareing some fuel money in the future.
Our world and mankind still suffers from humans that got rich by prefering Blood in the Streets as a moment to buy stocks instead of going to kill the murderers running wild. Those to whom sliced bread is the greatest invention and a Supermarket the perfect shop, because it's one stop.
As long such Mind Sets are Rich we will all continue to suffer and if it's just from an annoying Facebook News feed full of bad advertising.