Tuesday, 28 January 2025

BRICS and Small Volume Trade

So 100% tax on Goods from Brazil to the U.S.A.
That's for Merck V.I.P. clients, I am telling ya. All others need to still do a bit more then relabelling paper work. 
The U.S.A. is the most important market for SMEs within Latin America and Africa in terms of export, especially if they do not intend to export Dollars but to spend the profits in the U.S.A on export Goods.
The trick is to have a manufacturing company in a BRISC Vs U.S.A. neutral nation like even recently infamous Panama and combine several BRISC products together with idealy also a local product. Examples are very specific and considering the overall amount of products that can be combined yet plenty in the thousands options.
Just over the counter products like Supermarket items are off, but what you need to make a frozen Cake?
The U.S. has most interestingly for all developing regions an incredible huge and capable used vehicle market including customizing ability for also professional vehicles with huge price and cost differences between urban centers and rural areas.
Does anyone know what a Goosneck Trailer is anywhere outside Idaho??
