Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Congo on Fire

Actually, in that ultra large Jungle nation the most eastern town, still a 1.7 million people town being close to Rwanda, military fighting goes down as I write this.
Several Western outlets report and show pictures of humans in flip-flops on the run with plenty of simple motorcycles inbetween this time rather modern Ukraine level military gear. Basically, the opposite picture of Ukraine. A Beehive of humans and no ruins from excessive artillery use.
All say it was a rebel group named MS23 Vs the Congolese military, but all are forigne journalists one even being in Kenya which is like asking a guy in a Lisbon Pub about the Frankfurt Club scene, being from Sydney.
One outlet mentiones that Hutu people fled to Congo being organised in a militia there while stating that Rwanda was only securing boarder safety for the people in that area.
So, the Hutu caused the worst Massacre in late African history. Imagine the IDF shooting with heavy machine guns into the tents when giving out free soup and chocolate bars to also row up children and you get the extend of violence the Hutu Vs Tutsi bloodshed had.
Today, the Hutu are driven out and Rwanda had huge economic growth creating a solid and stable aggricultoural economy bringing full and rich tables into clean and nicely equipped homes. They are one step away from being a non-industrial, but digitalised economy importing industrial mass products while exporting source materials and agricultural products.
I am under the impression that Western Secret Services have abused the Freedom of Press to cover Agent operations over decades so badly that Journalists are alienated from the locals impacting the people's information availability in The West.
This means we need to build more Pirate Radio stations around migrant places in Europe being connected to online aquivalents where ever they have telephone numbers from.
Project UBSs, please.

PS: Can you confirm with an Irish Granddad that that's to expensive?


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