Saturday, 18 January 2025

If that's true...

how can we explain that?
Well, they do.

It does make sense for a molester to hide as a saint, but it does not make sense to shut down the Good abused as cover.
If that all was true then there is a difference between him and the symbolic figure that Henri Antoine Grouès created to get away with what he did.
Like Bruce Wayne creating Batman did Henri create Abbe Pierre.
Abbe Pierre is not the problem, the figure solved problems, created good and gave a base for Les Clochard to continue exisiting being as French and as Parisian as Le Resistance. 
It would be important to keep the figure Abbe Pierre alive like Batman over a Playboy and research how someone fighting the Nazis turned as them becoming someone that used symbols to cover abusing the weaker within reach.
Demolishing Emaus only helps those he turned to away from fighting for French values as a terrorist and hits France at its core.
What is more French than a Clochard enjoying a sunny day doing no more than beeing....for the price of poverty?