Sunday, 26 January 2025

Tax The Rich - & The Numbers

but obviously with no good conclusion. Without further checking the statement that 1% Taxing the Rich would trigger approximately 12% economic downturn, I do buy it.
For most the conclusion will be that a Tax on Property must come with more restrictions or that there may be no such tax.
Noone, and certainly not Max Headroom of Harvard Business School, will understand that there must be a major flaw in the system when taxing a minority has way stronger impact than taxing general cash flow. 1% change on VAT will have hardly any impact, but our economic system is made to have money circulate, innit?
The 12 times laverage a Forex App trader gets sweaty from is proof and pointer that at some point our economic system turned towards privileging one specific group. It also can't be Capitalisim anymore, because that litterly means a system invavor of capital which excludes 1% creating 12% overall capital minus on a small number of capital owners.
Any chance that the Nuremberg trials had a few hundred to few criminals convicted and we today suffer from a tiny group of criminal families that continue exploiting others for their own profit, no matter the cost and possibly means?
I bet all in. I call it The Nation, the little ugly sister of Empires.
#noblessoblige #imperiumpopolum

In Capitalism, instead of the Accumulating Capitalism we actually have, that 1% should leverage growth by balancing investement incapabilities of those taxed, but accessible for the taxing body. Today those don't exist and the income will be used to finance inefficient positions supporting another but politicaly opponing group.
Like Louis 14th taxing to build Versailles covering by pretending to be financing crafts and arts actually wasting most on lavish parties in ball rooms and gardens instead of hosting business meetings and coltivating green houses and rare flowers while Nobleman would spend money on building bridges still standing until today and Universities still used until today.
Our Nations will leave museums of tears just short of Yad Vashem, the Museum of Empirium. 
Nobles oblige le privilege de servir et non plus. Ecoute biens Parvenues: Character ou Mort. Pour tous les bienne creation de Dieu ou ultimo ratio regis de Imperium de Dieu dans cette monde. Tick Tack.