Sunday, 12 January 2025

The actual race issue in the U.S.A. ...

When Kathrina struck New Orleans the Creol knew standing next to their ruins that they are poor fucks, but also that they would have tiered down that house themselves, if better jobs were available.
These guys are the MTV believers in quarters of town with neither Church nor Community Centre that will not understand that pouring all cash in a German SUV instead of a fire resistant facade or outdoor sprinkler system was predictably stupid in Zippo Woods California.
#tryobamacareinsteadnotourborrows an attitude issue.

PS: As an unasked lecture in what "Tax" were supposed for could L.A. and California now introduce a Tax dedicated to paying off appropriate systems Google returns as results when entering "fire suppression systems" installing them within the L.A. Hills that are impacted by regular fires.
As soon payed off a Tax on insurances against fire damage or regional property could cover the way smaller maintenance costs to support smaller wallets in Real Estate and stressing those protected better from pay outs.
In the same way Detroit and Chicago could finance housing projects and educational programs like Boston and Massachusatts taxing Harvard and MIT in 0.some levels would sort all public school issues even creating Ivory League prestigious scholars able to score stipendia by being able to learn having brains already.
Instead Gun debates and Trumpcare....