Sunday, 5 January 2025

The Golden Triangle Lie

on Heroin. The Brown Heroin from Afghanistan is made in different facilities than the White Heroin which is of pharmaceutical industry origin, but turned into powder from the actual liquid distributed to mainly Hospitals. That Opium also derives from Afghanistan.
Afgahnistan with it's rocky soil, but a lot of water is the only region on earth creating a micro climate zone to coltivate Poppyseed on open fields.
Raw Opium, the juice of the Poppyseed, is smoked and jewed in Asia and Arabia for centuries and possibly even millenias. About two thirds of Asians can biologicaly not get addicted to Opium, different to Heroin, by a inherited brain receptor resistance as much as native Europeans cannot get addicted to Hemp coltivated as long all over Europe.
If the Cannabis addiction exists it must be for a group alien to Europe that did not assimilate over generations.
What you think?