Friday, 10 January 2025

The New Osman Empire

is better a Turk People Trade and Development Company that uses national ministerial infrastructure of all participating regions, interested privately owned companies and joint-venture start ups to push into what is remote areas in the Middle East.
Turkey would have a comperabel amount of military bases as the U.S., just way smaller, helicopter and fighter jet training grounds like Switzerland in pretty much no time, needed to build roads, use rivers, create markets and telecommunication networks, fight drug smuggling trying to abuse that new build solid infrastructure and terrorsm against Turkish influence creating the need to further improve Guirillia capable Special Forces in touch with local Civilians and a High Command advertising newly connected hubs and markets to the Turkish private market sector building up on the given and protected infrastructure a market economy.
Carefure in Kaushut just short of Khaakak.
And I did not misspell that.
Or he preprints hundred thousands condolence cards for Turkish Soldier families for a job international terrorist gangs do better.
Your call.