Wednesday, 15 January 2025

TheGermans - Back to their roots

They are testing keeping order up.

The Germans derive from European banditism and over centuries and millenias murdered, raped, hurrassed, extortianed and plundered from us natives.
They never were as powerful as today. Their Deutsch Herrenorden Staat defeated by a coalition of Polish and Lithuanian Kings was way more challenged then the UN recognised nation they have erected by the Holocaust over Prussia, Bavaria and the smaller monarchies around their swamp land retreat.
They understand that this is the end of their economic exploration system and that they cannot rebuild their economy as it was a Cold War lie all throughout, known as the Holocaust. They have exploited everything we have had build over hundreds of generations.
After the Nazi regime they were treated with mercy and never had to pay for their crimes having build since then a certain Ego.
They will retreat into centres and make plans from whom to take, as they always did. As they will do until exterminated.
Those centres will be tightly surveilled and the connections inbetween strictly controlled. Atleast that's the plan, but based on a blown up ego that created a delusion having lost touch with reality. The Germans are no single united group and will even more fight each other over drugs, status, ego, authority and money.
This is the Terrisage and we natives intend to survive it against the Jewmurdering peopel in charge. The German kind.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell