Wednesday, 8 January 2025

TheGermans - The Big Boy Crews

Obviously, there is a lot they can't openly mention and I mean many reasons and as many topics.
The Power Ranger going a special path, as it turns out, causes a lot of talking interestingly. There is also the silent standing ovations reaction possible when an unchallanged Primus - does. 
All sports have different Schools or styles and so does Bodybuilding. Germans don't do massages, while Americans get massages as in meat moving groaning feedback massages on a fixed schedule.
Hence all parties are incredibly silent and calm when taking compared to Bars or Discotheques, which I know being around looking at the bottle of the glass drinking fast, but actually not a lot, in silence speaking when asked only, starting usually with an "Ahm", "Oh" or "Mmh" out of courtesy due to my intimidating reefer only library trained brain Vs Those In Hierarchy, some is going on of importance internally.
Is it Log Books? Go here then and here some few.
War needs patience.
At some point you have to attack the main force of your enemy. Hide your strength and force your Game onto them.
Sun Tzu, about 2.500 years ago in The Art of War
#ticktack #gfyBKA #itoldyouclearandloud
#provos #terroristgangs Vs #ThelastNaziforces