Saturday, 25 January 2025

TheGermans - Building up The Lies

The last one was that noone wants to build a wall.
The time frame is difficult to predict. In the past the Germans attacking their neighbours had first attacked by smaller hords of thieves and plunderers most infamous as the SA.
This time a Virus has cut through the population and their main territory looses its German hierarchical order. The Authority is challenged and the people are sick. Going broke has happened over time repeatedly. False Flag actions to loot and plunder is no sustainable social concept for a people, especially as the only all around.
Germany will tumble further deeper into Chaos. Not a complex system of different entities, but proper lawless chaos with new peaks in all crime while crashing politicaly and economicaly without any other concept than attacking Russia, because of its Gas.
Germans running out of Gas going broke is the Historic Satire of the worst kind.
Russia will crash NATO and China possibly sink all those parts of the U.S. Fleet that did not change course back home to sue the Government and CIA finally infront of the Supreme Court for Conspiracy to establish a Confederate States.
Last time they held Texas for one day, media does not exactly tell that.
So, lets digg deeper into reality.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell