As soon as in power they cut all subsideries and set off state employees, except within Police and the Tax Office.
That would be positions held by political opponents anyway being in the wider sence of social nature. Germany had the luxury of strange positions such as Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Frauenbeuftragte, Behindertenbeauftragte and Auszubildendenbeauftragte to then have within those Universities, Ministries, Town Administrations discussions about the wording Behindert in all important seriousnes being stared at as an Alien asking what they actually do beside telling to remove the Pin-Up Girl pictures in even the men's locker room.
It will also hit Youthcentres and a lot of state driven educational programs.
If they go hardcore they might be in plus within a year, but will have to use life rounds before even having made the balance sheet ready to be printed on the Streets against Demonstrators.
That's hundred thousands of jobs idiots.
That is the very German lie and the deal was all sides pretend to work, not just The Right, like Police, Teachers and Beamte.
PS: You show up here I shoot to kill. Go kill each other, weirdos.