Friday, 31 January 2025

TheGermans - & The Ocean of Lies

Somewhere in this here the nice German bold Doctor explains the Meth rush and the voice explains the kick was large amounts of Dopamine which also happens in an Orgasm.
So, would anyone in a County Jail get an fellow Terrorist Gangster, but from Arian Nation, infront of a Cam and ask him if a Crystal Meth rush feels anything like an Orgasm.
I bet a few Polizei Officers lives that he will shake his head and say simultaneously "No." wondering silently who could have told that bullshit story.
Some Black or Latino guy might add:"Did I look anything like fucked when you picked me up, compadre?"
There is a chance that Clinical Psycologic Doctors are part of a German National program following up on the Nazi drug research for SS military use.
Meth is a toxin. It is poisen, basically. An Orgasm happens only by causing pleasure and nerve stimulation. In a rape the victim has no orgasm. There is no way that a toxin of any kind can cause an Orgasm like reaction. The body must react with counter measures to protect itself and not with encouraging measures, while a system of abuse will declare pain to pleasure looking for substances of destroying the human conscious and ability to feel guilt.
Addiction is a mental self-destructive disease and both Poland and The Bernstein Zimmer after WW2 are historic proof of also Germanies attitude towards The Truth.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell