So, would anyone in a County Jail get an fellow Terrorist Gangster, but from Arian Nation, infront of a Cam and ask him if a Crystal Meth rush feels anything like an Orgasm.
I bet a few Polizei Officers lives that he will shake his head and say simultaneously "No." wondering silently who could have told that bullshit story.
Some Black or Latino guy might add:"Did I look anything like fucked when you picked me up, compadre?"
There is a chance that Clinical Psycologic Doctors are part of a German National program following up on the Nazi drug research for SS military use.
Meth is a toxin. It is poisen, basically. An Orgasm happens only by causing pleasure and nerve stimulation. In a rape the victim has no orgasm. There is no way that a toxin of any kind can cause an Orgasm like reaction. The body must react with counter measures to protect itself and not with encouraging measures, while a system of abuse will declare pain to pleasure looking for substances of destroying the human conscious and ability to feel guilt.
Addiction is a mental self-destructive disease and both Poland and The Bernstein Zimmer after WW2 are historic proof of also Germanies attitude towards The Truth.
#TIE Here we fight
The Kingdom of Hell