Sunday, 12 January 2025

TheGermans - Suicidal Tendencies

They will leave NATO. They will leave the Euro. They will leave the EU. Which parts also officially, we will see.
Germany will jump to it's far right and won't fix its economic trouble, because every required step is foreign to the German mind.
By that, The West will split into several fractions across defence and economy.
The Eastern part from Poland to Rumania will get much closer economically and in defence politics forming an economic and military block interested in a strong SME driven economy. Both Turkey an Greece might get very close and help bypassing in moderate volumes trade sanctions to Russia and its partners.
Western Europe from The BeNeLux to Portugal will further separate politics from the people while remaining in a Big Corpo based economy, but with way less forces to shut down Small Companies. From Lisbon to Amsterdam an entire solid parallel economy could develop that works like the Cannabis trade off taxes, deeply embedded in society and driven by flexible individuals and tiny groups outsmarting the authority, while politics and media focuses on Large Enterprises and it's 9 to 5 employees lifestyle based on large sums of money.
Italy would be devided ever stronger into a poor South stuck surrounded by the Mediterraine off two also poor blocks while the North up Rome is suffering from German isolation politics.
Italy might fall first to Anti-Fa as a state like force, if Rome to Milano is Italy.
The Germans then will understand that neither Sweden will join a Germanic Blonds Currency nor that London is threatened by any means by Frankfurt, even if some Financial Ventures backed their borrowed cash by overvalued German Real Estate portfolios. Just some Germans with atleast honourable English grammer then leave Kensington and Chelsea for Hamburg and Munich with some hopeless to Berlin to never be seen again.
By that Germany would be independent to figure out jumping trade routes like from East Europe to West Europe won't make any profit anymore, because of too little to be significant trade volume created by a century of national boarders in Cold War and EU with ship cargo remaining through an old Danish Channel today in a German County that charges per ship, not Cargo Value.
Germany will then be, in latest ten years, a lawless, ungoverned, demographically crippled region split into densly populated high crime and empty vast regions with really bad infrastructure all inbetween.
The Kingdom of Hell