Thursday, 16 January 2025

You cannot defeat Russia.

Creating a plan to defeat another nation that is in no UN outlawed state is Unconstitutional.
The part about the Land of the Free....!?!
Exactly as George Washington foresaw is the United States of America under threat by those seeking power above others.
No one is Free ruling another human.
Iraq today shows how it's done. You ride in defeat the Tyrannical Government and give all it's Gold to the people.
So fuck you Confederate Americans. Retreat or Die.
#TIUSA The Land of The Free
Where all humans are equal

These fools must stop. The CIA Clandestine Service must be investigated by both Senat and Supreme Court under Secrecy to maintain sound national security.
The U.S. military must be enabled to secure and ensure world trade by ground, sea and air, but not to conquer and rule any other state or nation.
All tyrannies do not or restrict trade. All tyrannies close or densen their boarders. All tyrannies surveille all citizens closely having them proof their innocence.