So, why would you ask him?
In the drug trade no Kingpin ever would even ask his G why he payed a certain price. Kingpins call, drive or walk over to the source and ask the other Kingpin.
So you need Company talking to LM?
Anytime dude.
#provos #MIB
The other day.
You can walk in now.
....double door opening bag flying across the room...
Catch! ...bag slaming on desk sliding off...
...taking a seat opening the Unform Jacket...
You just missed ninteee thoooouuuusand Dollars in metal. We have about ten thousand bags stored. You take back all of them and give us back the difference between ninteee thoooouuuusand and five Dollars, but in C4 steel.
I was not discussing.
I am used to Yes, Sir.
AH! Pick up that bag or I make you.
So, Senator do you understand the issue the fat old white, but sober guy faces? He ain the type talking to Cocaine Heads or who dares charging that sum for that product?
I always wondered why Government Contracting Companies have no random MP drug tests to be a contractor, besides.
#provos #undergroundwars