Tuesday, 18 February 2025

African Table,

 as soon as he speaks English you can recognise a German accent. I guess he is from the Elsass... 
For reasons not to be explainable to Germans France does not attract drug dealers and knife waving immigrants, but French speaking individuals, and that for actually centuries. 
There must be a difference between Deutschland und Adolf Hitler and le colonisation francaise. Actually speaking French would help to understand "colon".
The problem is that the German attempt of Nationalist violence in the UK failed and France is even more in its core in love with Underdogs. 
They might prepare attacks as we speak. The Vid maker does not even speak with any black except in an interrogation manner. 
There are two ways to fix that.
The first is extended Recon activity by African Secret Services protecting their oversea citizens and thereby interests including targeted assassinations of racist terrorist individuals and the other is based on the religious connection of the UK's successful defence and these African immigrants as well as that most UK threatened citizens are small business owners. 
One could help each other by a Eurotunnel trip. 
Some areas as the Lebanon also have a strong French speaking history with strong ties to the UK. 
This crisis is a great chance to tear down the Cold War rim in the Mediterranean. That means Terrain in the Middle... call me smartass Du Kleingeist.

#provos #IRAmovement 

En France la securite civil et ordre publique est plus important qui votre droit the liberte de presse. Vous avez placer cette place de jeunesse immigrant protégé par l'etat Francaise en base de grand histoire de Republic Francaise en danger pour presente votre opinion politic privet. Le espace publique est pas le place pour votre voir du monde privet dans en pay de....ca dir qua le extermination religion en France en tous espace publique? Ca pas secular, ce l'autre.