Friday, 28 February 2025

And Jesse said

 millions of investments waiting...

So, they can get into starting position making a footprint in the region. All these on stand by investors will have a hit spot and now can't shoot yet. They have like a Sniper go to the Spotter position and check for secondary targets ready to hit all around from EU to Turkey and even the Silk Road Nations looking for supplementary spots to later have an even better main target hit.
As a neutral example from the Sahel Zone would ongoing Boko Haram activity turn a region into a war zone, but that region is limited geographically. If an investor hesitates to connect with small farm owners to sell them seeds and low tech farming tools he can just short of the troubled region invest into local transport companies to later rely onto them ensuring a continuous supply into the region.
In the actual region, all boarder regions are the poorest areas in Europe, with the exception of the Baltics. The other side shore of the Black Sea is where Arabs, Chinese, Turks and Russians meet for millenias dating back to pre-Jesus times into the Jewish Kingdom.
The Silk Road is the oldest transcontinental trade route followed by the Trans Sahara Caravans and latest Nordic Sea Passage.
The Trans Sahara route off the Paris-Dakar Rally track needed star navigation and the Vikings making it to Canada steel nails and steam wood bending.
We have computers today and just need to work our social skills.